- NEXT CURBSIDE RECYCLING PICK-UP: Wednesday, 2/19/25 (due to the President’s Day Holiday)
- Fri, Feb 7th – T/G Mtg at 9AM.
- Mon, Feb 10th – Selectboard Work Session at 4PM.
- Tues, Feb 11th – CHPC Mtg at 4PM to review the following application(s): 1) Patrick/Mary Manning, 85 Main St, M21 L24, jack house; reconstruct the foundation; brick façade over poured cement foundation.
- Thurs, Feb 13th – Community Listening Session at 7PM on Sidewalks & Traffic Calming.
- Mon, Feb 17th – Town Office & CEO Office CLOSED (due to the President’s Day Holiday).
- Tues, Feb 18th – Selectboard/Assessors & Overseers of the Poor Mtg at 4PM.
- Wed, Feb 19th – Harbor Committee Mtg at 4:30PM.
- Wed, Feb 19th -ZBOA Mtg at 5PM; Witherle Memorial Library Administrative Appeal alleging error by the CHPC. The appeal stems from the CHPC’s 10/15/24 denial for the Library’s landscaping project.
- CEO Office CLOSED: Tues, 2/11 through Mon, 2/24/25
- Castine Board/Committee Volunteers Needed:
Utility Board – 2 alternate members
Historic Preservation Commission – 2 regular members & 1 alternate member
Board of Appeals – 1 regular member & 1 alternate member
Recreation Committee – 1 alternate member
Tree Committee – 1 regular member
NEW – Ad-Hoc Committee for 2026/2029 250th Anniversary celebrations
If you wish to be considered to serve, please submit a letter of interest to the Town Office. Contact us if you have any questions. (207) 326-4502 or email: townoffice@castine.me.us - 2025 Dog Registrations: were due by January 31st. There is now a $25 late fee per dog applied to registration costs. Please bring current Rabies Vaccination.
REMINDER: Please remember that dogs need to be leashed, or owners need to have verbal control of their dogs when out walking around the community at all times. Also, DO NOT leave doggy waste, please scoop the poop!! - Curbside Pick-up: Trash pickup every Monday morning (except public holidays) place curbside by 7.30AM with trash sticker attached; Recycling pickup 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month place in clear plastic bag curbside by 7.30AM.
Transfer Station: Monday: CLOSED; Tuesday thru Friday: 8AM to 1PM; Saturday: 8AM to 12 Noon; Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Town Office and T&C Mkt sells trash stickers during their regular business hours.